Among all types of cancers and malignant tumors spread, have you ever heard of heart cancer? It is lung cancer into the blood to the breast, prostate, brain ... etc., multiple forms of the disease - and you seek refuge with Allah from his evil - but it remains a single type can almost hear him only rarely, a heart cancer.
Heart cancer is a malignant tumors are rare, but not impossible. Even the American Cancer Society did not list this disease within the annual statistical list even though it falls under the "soft tissue cancers" branch.
The reason for this is the lack of the number of people who are exposed to this type of disease. Where 12,310 cases in 2016 infected cancer recorded the heart, compared to 300,000 cases of breast cancer in the same year.
And for sure that there is a scientific reason why this type of cancer the least common and most rarer, but understood to be addressed first to the way that happens with cancer.
Because the cancer usually starts from a mutation in the DNA of the cell cores often through the split stage, leading to copy a large number of cells that carry the same exotic genetic mutation passed from cell to a fledgling process of division and copying cells.
With the large number of cells that carry the same mutation, spreading slowly in the User even pose a tumor may be difficult to control and known then as the cancer or member carcinogen. In some cases, surgical intervention to eradicate Lists of the difficulty of treatment and fear of the spread of tumors to the members of the neighboring and the rest of the body is required.
It differs from the beginning when it comes to heart cancer. Heart cells are stopped after the completion of the split are the heart in the womb of the mother first embryonic stages. Heart cells do not divide, but in one case that suffered damage from the damage or injury.
This means that if he got a strange genetic mutation in one of the heart tissue cells, the spread is extremely difficult because of the division only rarely.
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